Monday, April 27, 2015

IMsL 2015

Our adorable helper at the KinkyCraft booth!
Well, we survived another IMsL!

This year was a rough one after the original person we had scheduled to work the booth all weekend had to cancel at the last minute; but the family pulled together and made it work!

Thanks to dear friends, our sweet booth-mate Kinky Knits, and most of all to my lovely wife who stepped up and spent most of her weekend staffing the booth so I could fulfill my other IMsL Staff duties (I'm the Staff Photographer and Photo Team Lead).

One notably fun part of IMsL was debuting our "switching" embroidered hankies!  This one said "Fist ME" on one corner (wear it showing our of your right pocket) and "Fist YOU" on the opposite corner (place that one showing out your left pocket).  What would color would your switching hanky be and what would it say?  Send us your ideas!

See you next IMsL!  April 14-17th, 2016